Salvete, in a presentation, I would like to have some links to external files at the lower end of the menu on the right. My attempts all looked something like the following, but I have not been able to achieve any output at all: \def\gobble#1{} \long\def\Link#1{\showargument{#1}} \definelist[Datei] \setuplist[Datei][textcommand=\Link,numbercommand=\gobble] \def\file#1{\writetolist[Datei]{#1}{#1}} \startinteractionmenu[right] \switchtobodyfont[16pt] \setupinteraction [color=black, contrastcolor=Two] \TocVersion \placelist [Topic] [alternative=e, frame=off, criterium=all] \vfill \placelist[Datei]%[alternative=d,criterium=Topic] \stopinteractionmenu ... \Topic{Überblick} \file{foo} I must be missing something obvious, especially since I did not find anything related in the archives. A hint, anyone? Christopher