Taco Hoekwater wrote:
In authoryear styles, year entries are usually required, so I am going to keep this as it is now. You can either use \cite[author] for this case, or you could build your own \cite command, in a similar way to Tobias' answer:
Sorry for bothering you that much. I'm now using \cite[author], yet there is one place I can't solve that way, which is cross references: @Article{dominus04, author = {Mark Jason Dominus}, title = {Slide Rule}, journal = {Wikipedia}, year = 2004, crossref = {Wikipedia}, month = May, note = {\gotoURL{http://en.wikipedia.org/w/wiki.phtml?title=Slide_rule&oldid=3849585}} } @Misc{Wikipedia, key = {Wikipedia}, title = {Wikipedia, the free online encyclopedia}, howpublished = {\gotoURL{http://wikipedia.com}} } Not that I plan to use really many wikipedia entries, but the problem as such seems to exist. (I am not sure about using @Article here, but that's another topic.) As an aside, there is another problem: The entry cross-referenced to does not appear – this seems to be a general problem with cross-references. I'm using \completepublications, but the same happens with \placepublications. (I haven't managed to get the list sorted by author, either.) Another thing I stumbled upon: Using \type{whatever} in a BibTeX entry does not work: “whatever” is simply ignored. (It is intact in the .bbl file, as in \startpublication[k=Kulpa,t=misc, a={Kulpa},y=2004, n=40,s=Kul04] \author[]{Zenon}[Z.]{}{Kulpa} \pubyear{2004} \month{6} \pubname{{message \type{200406071815.UAA18036@zmit1.ippt.gov.pl} on the mailing list \type{reliable_computing@interval.louisiana.edu}}} \stoppublication where I'm using \type because of the _.) Finally, the entry \startpublication[k=abramowitz,t=book, a={Abramowitz and Stegun},y=1972, n=30,s=AS72] \editor[]{Milton}[M.]{}{Abramowitz} \editor[]{Irene~A.}[I.~A.]{}{Stegun} \pubyear{1972} \title{{Handbook of Mathematical Functions}} \pubname{Dover Publications} \edition{ninth} \stoppublication is indented by about one interword space relative to the entries not using \editor. Which commands do the actual typesetting of the list entries? I only got to \@@pbt and was lost ... regards, Christopher Creutzig