Hello Wilfried, Recently I switched from Word to Context. I used the TexLive distribution which is offered at www.fptex.org http://www.fptex.org/ . You have to download about 455 Mbytes. Then start the setup and accept the default installation. When all is finished it gives a right out the box working Text environment, including ConTeXT. Perl and ghostscript work and also the environment variables are all there. I use the WinEdt editor. The editor is Tex aware and works very nice together with the TeXLive environment. Jan -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- Van: ntg-context-admin@ntg.nl [mailto:ntg-context-admin@ntg.nl] Namens Wilfried Van Hirtum Verzonden: donderdag 22 januari 2004 17:53 Aan: ntg-context@ntg.nl Onderwerp: [NTG-context] Windows xp user wants to begin with context Hi I'm a complete ms word user who wants to convert to context to make his mathematical textbooks. I have windows xp on my computer, but nothing (really nothing like perl, editor's or distribution) else. What exactly have i to do make my pc work with context? By the way, don't say to me to read the how to install context manual which are not meant to read by absolute beginners. I've spent hours on looking around on internet, on the pragma-website, reading manuals, but i don't find something clear and simple what tells me exactly to do and in which order to let me begin working with context. There seems to be so many pre-knowledge about perl, command line commands, and so on.. But can anybody out there please tell me how i can start from the very beginning. I would appreciate your advise very much. To set it clear: i'm not a linux or unix-user, i use windowx xp. I really want to begin with context, but there seems to be so many obstacles to overwin. Many thanks in advance. Wilfried Van Hirtum _____ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! SiteBuilder - Free web site building tool. http://us.rd.yahoo.com/evt=21608/*http:/webhosting.yahoo.com/ps/sb/ Try it!