Am 2017-04-05 um 20:42 schrieb Pablo Rodriguez
On 04/04/2017 10:27 AM, Henning Hraban Ramm wrote:
In my layout, left margin width is zero, but \inmargin always uses left margin. Ok, I can use \inouter.
doesn’t \setupmargindata[inmargin][location=right] do the trick?
No, but \setupmargindata[inmargin][location=outer] Thank you! ;) The notes collide with my moved "foot"notes, but I wasn’t planning to use both anyway.
Further I’d like to place "foot"notes into the margin. It works like this:
"it works" means: The footnotes are placed in the margin, but collected at the bottom, like normal footnotes. I’d like numbered marginals.
Sorry, my ConTeXt ignorance cannot deal with that.
But I guess that this may be implemented (if Hans agrees) with \setupnote[location=margin].
That would be very nice. I guess the stacking mechanism from \inmargin could be reused, so that the notes start at the same height as the footnote marker, if there is enough space. I don’t understand the code – is this in page-one.mkiv? Or should I try to use marginblocks (page-mbk.mvi) or margindata (typo-mar.mkiv)? Greetlings, Hraban --- http://www.fiee.net http://wiki.contextgarden.net GPG Key ID 1C9B22FD