On Fri, Jul 18, 2008 at 2:32 PM, Ulrich Dirr wrote:
On Friday, July 18, 2008 10:38 AM Hans Hagen wrote:
this is a bug in the windows lfs code, akira posted a fix so i expect a new bin any time now
I've just installed ConTexT minimals on a new pc with vista 64 and got the 'cache file not writable' messages.
Will Mojca give us a hint when we can reload/reinstall minimals from contextgarden? Or will it be enough to run the 'first-setup' batch file again?
You don't need to reinstall anything. Running first-setup should be enough, but I will go to mountains till Sunday, and it takes about two or three days before changes in LuaTeX trunk propagate to W32TeX binaries anyway (updating W32TeX binaries is only semi-automatic since files often change names). (To be honest, I just run a script to update binaries from Akira from time to time, but I cannot test if it breaks anything, and I don't really keep track of what version is used - I just take whatever is there.) Mojca