Dear gang,
I have redone this. Now there are two filter sequences, one for main text
and one for using the arabic-font digits in math mode.
has been updated, get the new uni2cuni.zip. I'll update m-gamma soon so
this will be part of the distro if Hans accepts-)
Here is a test file that works here. Note (see the sqrt example) that
omarb apparently does not have U+066B, the Arabic decimal point. And the
Arabic comma maps to the lm comma in math mode (since omarb maps the
arabic comma to U+002C in the omarb virtual
font-sigh). So there is further work needed to get this all just right,
including recompiling the fonts etc...
% tex=aleph output=dvipdfmx
%% Individual Filters
% Input filters (from what you type)
\definefiltersynonym [UTF8] [inutf8]
% Contextual filter
\definefiltersynonym [UniCUni] [uni2cuni]
\definefiltersynonym [UniCUniMath] [uni2cuni-math]
% Output filters (font mapping)
\definefiltersynonym [CUniArab] [cuni2oar]
%% Filter Sequences
\to \everymathematics
% For global Arabic script
\pagedir TRT\bodydir TRT\textdir TRT\pardir TRT }%
5792-684 $5792-684$ ${\tf 5792-684}$
2.5 $\sqrt{\tf 2.5}$
2,5 $\sqrt{\tf 2،5}$ $\sqrt{\tf 2,5}$
On Sun, 25 Jun 2006 11:38:37 -0600, Idris Samawi Hamid
On Sun, 25 Jun 2006 02:08:37 -0600, Taco Hoekwater
wrote: My guess is you could just remove the punctuation support from the current OTP. If a user really needs to say "1.2 million", (s)he can just write $1.2$ instead, which is more or less standard TeX practice anyway.
It is my understanding that the contents of $$ is unaffected by OTPs (and if it is not, it should be made so. Math is a language on its own).
ok, it's done. The new ocp is here: http://wiki.contextgarden.net/images/2/27/Uni2cuni.zip
and the instructions are here:
Now, in normal text, +, -, and . are treated as separators, not plus sign, minus, and decimal point. If you want math use $$ etc. but then you will get the math font not omarb (which is standard practice in the Arabic-script world).
I have no idea if this affects Hans' solution (have not upgraded yet); this is all experimental so things may change.
An aside: Classical Arabic is more sensical. Consider the number 3721. In classical Arabic one says, "one and twenty and and seven hundred and three thousand", which makes much more sense for a r-l language. So one would write the numeral from r to l and it would look the same. How decimals would be handled in the classical case needs a bit of research
Best Idris
-- Professor Idris Samawi Hamid Department of Philosophy Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523 -- Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client: http://www.opera.com/mail/