On 05 Dec 2014, at 10:13, Gerben Wierda
On 04 Dec 2014, at 16:22, Hans Hagen
wrote: On 12/4/2014 3:54 PM, Gerben Wierda wrote:
On 30 Nov 2014, at 23:38, Hans Hagen
wrote: On 11/30/2014 1:22 PM, Gerben Wierda wrote:
I’m using mkii. I’d like ot be able to copy-paste words form the resulting pdf. That works well, except for words that contain ligatures (e.g. fl fi etc.) Is there a way I can tell (Con)TeXt that the result must be copy-pastable.
To make matters slightly more complex I’m using Optima, converted on a Mac:
\usetypescript[serif,sans,mono] [hanging] [normal]
% Bypassing type-gtamacfonts.tex \starttypescript [sans,serif] [optima] [texnansi,ec] \definefontsynonym [Optima-Regular] [\typescriptthree-OptimaRegular] [encoding=\typescriptthree] \definefontsynonym [Optima-Italic] [\typescriptthree-OptimaItalic] [encoding=\typescriptthree] \definefontsynonym [Optima-Bold] [\typescriptthree-OptimaBold] [encoding=\typescriptthree] \definefontsynonym [Optima-BoldItalic] [\typescriptthree-OptimaBoldItalic] [encoding=\typescriptthree] \definefontsynonym [Optima-ExtraBlack] [\typescriptthree-OptimaExtraBlack] [encoding=\typescriptthree] \stoptypescript \starttypescript [sans,serif] [optima] [name] \setups [font:fallback:\typescriptone] \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix\typescriptone] [Optima-Regular] \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix\typescriptone Italic] [Optima-Italic] \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix\typescriptone Bold][Optima-Bold] \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix\typescriptone BoldItalic] [Optima-BoldItalic] \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix\typescriptone Black] [Optima-ExtraBlack] \stoptypescript \definetypeface[allsans][rm][serif][optima][default][encoding=texnansi] \definetypeface[allsans][ss][sans][optima][default][encoding=texnansi] \loadmapfile [gtamacfonts.map] \setupbodyfont[allsans,10pt]
op zich zou het moeten werken (een tonunicode vector) als er een pdfr-*.mkii file is voor de encoding ... er is er eentje voor ec encoding
Ik ben er niet zo in thuis, maar welke items in bij font setup moet ik dan wijzigen?
texnansi -> ec
I changed some of the last font statements to
\definetypeface[allsans][rm][serif][optima][default][encoding=ec] \definetypeface[allsans][ss][sans][optima][default][encoding=ec]
but that does not help. Probably more is needed, but that requires a programmer-level knowledge of ConTeXt and not a user-level :-)
I’m still interested in a solution that enables me to do a full copy-paste including ligatures. Another thing that would be OK if I can create a text/unicode output out of the ConTeXt project and copy/paste from that. G