Hi Hans, \startitemize[text] causes a par break at the end. From the code, it looks like it should not. Here is an example \starttext Some garbage text \startitemize[text,r] \item This is a test \item Which does not work \stopitemize the garbage continues \stoptext There is a par break after the second item. The code in core-itm tries hard to introduce a \par when \listitemtext is true, but somewhere a \par slips in. I could not find out why this happens. Also, does it make sense to disable stopper in case of \startitemize[text], by \def\dododosetupitemgroupconstant[#1][#2#3#4]% * permits [2] {\processaction [#2#3#4] [ \v!packed*=>\packitems, ................. \v!text*=>\settrue\textlistitem \settrue\inlinelistitem \settrue\joinedlistitem % \setitemparameter{#1}\c!placestopper{\v!no}% ^^^^^^^^^^^ added !? \packitems, \v!columns*=>\packitems, ............................. ]} I always find myself doing \startitemize[text,r][stopper=] Aditya