Steffen Wolfrum wrote:
Am 07.12.2007 um 11:46 schrieb Wolfgang Schuster:
2007/12/7, Steffen Wolfrum
: I had a closer look at the specific lines and now I guess I found the change:
[e.g.] AGB|-|Recht
There is no hyphenation at |-| points anymore!!!
How could this happen?
Steffen Can you make a small example, I tried the following example on the wiki and the second line is always broken, the first only with PDFTeX but not with XeTeX.
(it was set with pdftex)
I made some tests: In some cases |-| still works (it looks to me as if the priorities in the linebraking rules were mixed up?! But this can't be ...).
Thus it is not so easy to make a representative example. But look at the following, simulating a real example:
\usetypescript[postscript][ec] \setupencoding[default=ec] \mainlanguage[de] \enableregime[utf]
\setupbodyfont[postscript,14.5pt] \def\myFNnumber#1{\hskip1.15em{\switchtobodyfont[8pt]#1}\enskip}
\setupfootnotedefinition[command= \myFNnumber,indentnext=yes,location=serried]
\setnumber[footnote]{217}% this is broken, the next FN-number should be 218
text\footnote{S. aber zu einer allgemeinen Regulierung von Selbstverpflichtungen und normersetzenden Absprachen §§\,35, 36 UGB|-| KomE und die dazu gehörige Begründung UGB|-|KomE S.\,501\,ff., sowie §§\,130 - 136 IGB (3.\,Teil 1.\,Kapitel 6.\,Abschnitt). }.
Now the line breaking is as such:
Your new lines end like this,
218 allgemeinen Regulierung von Selbstverpflichtungen und normer- chen §§ 35, 36 UGB-KomE und die dazu gehörige Begründung UGB- wie §§ 100 -136 IGB (3. Teil 1. Kapitel 6. Abschnitt).
right? I still get this, from the latest context 2007.12.06 22:52 MKII:
Four months ago the same text came out like this: 218 .iner allgemeinen Regulierung von Selbstverpflund normerset- §§ 35, 36 UGB-KomE und die dazu gehörige Begründung UGB-KomE 136 IGB (3. Teil 1. Kapitel 6. Abschnitt).
Help please!!
I also tried with 2007.08.09, with identical results. Together, this hints at a difference in one of your local files that has crept in over the past four months. If you can't find it, try running with \loggingall and email me that (zipped!), so I can compare your stuff with mine. Best wishes, Taco