Hi list, I am trying to achieve a layout where there is a brief line above the bottom-centered page number (of a double-sided document). I am able to achieve the centered bottom-located page number easily and obviously enough with: \setuppagenumbering [alternative=doublesided,location={footer,middle}] \setupfooter [style=bold] And I was able to achieve a result with a short line above where the page number should be - but by adopting the solution below I have now lost the page number. \setuppagenumbering [alternative=doublesided,location={footer,middle}] \setupfootertexts[{\framed[frame=off,topframe=on,width=.5\textwidth]}] So then I thought that having left out any reference to page numbers I had better put it in, so I added [pagenumber] to the above, but I ended up with two page numbers, one centered, the other to the inner or outer margins (depending on recto/verso), and the line was likewise to the right or left of the centred number. So clearly not what I want. Maybe the solution lies with some combination of the above I haven't thought of, or maybe there is another solution altogether. Any thoughts? Julian