On Wed, Jan 11, 2012 at 14:22, Steffen Wolfrum
testing the current beta gave me several errors and "Undefined control sequence",
Yep. This is my newest find (and this code worked last week...): :/context/tex/texmf/fonts/map/dvips/lm/lm-math.map}{C:/context/tex/texmf/fonts/map/dvips/lm/lm-rm.map}{C:/context/tex/texmf-context/fonts/map/pdftex/context/mkiv-base.map} ! Illegal unit of measure (pt inserted). system > tex > error on line 212 in file fico.tex: Illegal unit of measure (pt inserted) ... 202 % paragraph formatted right for the specification itself 203 \definetabulate[specstable][|il|p|] 204 \setuptabulate[bodyfont=8pt] 205 206 207 208 % -------------- COVERS, generic settings ------------------------- 209 210 211 \definelayer[etukansi] 212 >> [x=0mm,y=0mm,width=\paperwidth,height=\paperheight] 213 214 \definelayer[takakansi] 215 [x=0mm,y=0mm,width=\paperwidth,height=\paperheight] 216 217 \useexternalfigure[kplogo][kplogo][width=4cm] 218 \useexternalfigure[fico_cover][fico_cover_graphic]%[width=4cm] 219 220 221 222 <to be read again> h l.212 [x=0mm,y=0mm,width=\paperwidth,h eight=\paperheight] ? Regards, Mari