On Sun, 13 Jun 2010 13:41:38 -0600, Hans Hagen
the interesting question then is .. where does one draw the line between engine and clever fonts
contextual analysis in Arabic provides an example: init, medi, and fina provide the gsub's, the engine has to know the rules/conditions under which to apply each of those three. Eg, VOLT Proofing tool will NOT do contextual analysis, only implement the selected lookups. Something similar applies to Indic of course, but someone has to provide the framework of rules. The MS pages Khaled sent are a good place to start, and a user willing to make examples with explanations etc... That is, given all gsub and gpos routines needed by a given language, what minimal additional information does the engine need to know? In Arabic, one needs contextual analysis: if a letter occurs at the beginning of a string, choose the init gsub routine etc. The bad thing about Uniscribe is that it adds too much information and "spell-checking", restricting typesetting possibilities. In any case, someone interested has to research/provide the details for Indic. Best wishes Idris -- Professor Idris Samawi Hamid, Editor-in-Chief International Journal of Shi`i Studies Department of Philosophy Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523