> the (subtle) difference between the two [*MPinclusions and *MPinitializations] is not a bug but a feature

If I understood correctly, *MPinitializations affects everything and can't be assigned to a specific instance (or can it?), 
in some cases (like mine) this difference is not so subtle.
Look at the following example (not so minimal):


picture p;

p := image(

draw fullsquare scaled 1cm;

draw textext("1");




picture s;

s := image(

draw (fullsquare rotated 45) scaled 1cm;

draw textext("2");





picture q;

q := image(

draw fullcircle scaled 1cm;

draw textext("3");


draw q;



draw p;

draw q shifted (2cm, 0);

draw s shifted (4cm, 0);




picture r;

r := image(

draw fullcircle scaled 1cm;

draw textext("4");


draw r;



draw p;

draw r shifted (2cm, 0);

draw s shifted (4cm, 0);


First, it shows why *MPinitializations can't replace *MPinclusions for me (it affects all instances),

and second, it silently produces produces some really unexpected results:

It looks like it should produce (by line)

A circle with "3" inside (yes)

A square with "1" inside (yes); A circle with "3" inside again (no, instead it produces circle with "2" inside); A rhombus with "2" inside (no, instead it produces a rhombus with "1")

and so on.

(tested on http://live.contextgarden.net/)

In fact, I failed to declare picture variable inside with text inside one *MPcode environment and pass it to another safely

(text either disappears or changes to other text, and this time ConTeXt returns no error), that surely is a bug?
