Hi all, I tried to insert an right arrow in my text via \definefontsynonym[Symbol][symbol.ttf] \definesymbol[test_ae][\getglyph{Symbol}{\char"AE}] \starttext Test ae: \symbol[test_ae]\par \stoptext where AE was the codepoint Windows Char Table gave me. But in the pdf there was a Diamond-Sign, which should reside at codepoint A8. So I tested a litte more and finally found the arrow at \definesymbol[rarr][\getglyph{Symbol}{\char"C6}] On the arrow-side i am happy now, but confused how that happens. I did some analysis of the font, it includes 2 cmaps, one type 0 cmap which declares (converted to xml for analysis): <map code="0xae" name="arrowright"/> and a type 4 cmap which has <map code="0xf0ae" name="arrowright"/> So I would expect one of this codes to be working (in fact, both codepoints work eg in Word). But \char"AE gives the diamond and \char"F0AE gives nothing at all. Can anyone give me some enlightment? Thanks, Achim