Dnia Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 11:14:10AM +0200, Patrick Gundlach napisał(a):
As for the logo...
Who cares ?
Logo's don't enable people to figure out how to use software and be productive with it.
The proof is in the pudding, not in the logo.
Right, but presenting ConTeXt in a more professional way could be worth an effort. A new logo is one step forward, even it will disappear again in some day.
On my personal webpage, I'm using a small wiki engine called oddmuse. It's maunal says in one place: "Logos and little icons (usually smilies) are eye candy and therefore of utmost importance." As you said: a professional-looking logo is a good thing. BTW: the current logo looks like this: O C N E T X T I don't like the order; what about O C N T T X E ? This way, we emphasize the TeX logo inside the ConTeXt one.
Greets -- Marcin Borkowski (http://mbork.faculty.fmcs.amu.edu.pl) - Why did a mathematician call his dog Cauchy? - Because it left a residue at every pole.