Berend de Boer wrote:
Hello All,
I'm again hit by the disapperance of the Adoboe default fonts. When I create a PDF document, I get the Nimbus (urw) fonts, instead of the Adobe.
The final remapping is done in 8r-base.map, as far as I can see (in dvi mode the font 'phvr8t' is used). If you actually have the Adobe binary font files, I suggest copying Hans' 8r-base to a different directory such that it will be found before the distributed one, and change the 'u' pfb names to 'p' pfb names in the copy. If you do _not_ have the Adobe binary fonts, then I am afraid you have to learn to live with the URW versions. These days, a non-embedded Helvetica seems to imply the use of Adobe Sans MM, and I've had a production PDF rejected by a printing house because of that.
updmap --edit gives:
LW35 ADOBEkb pdftexDownloadBase14 false
updmap is irrelevant, ConTeXt comes with its own map files. Cheers, Taco