On Mon, 30 Jan 2012, Marco wrote:
On 2012-01-30 Wolfgang Schuster
wrote: The ConTeXt package is huge and provides dozen of commands but I guess many have *one* favorite command (maybe also functionality).
I was surprised by the unusual “Subject” line in my mail client. But I don't hesitate:
My favourite command is \externalfigure [placeholder] because it produces very pretty colourful graphics (I'm bored to use the dutch cow or the wind mill every time).
\useMPlibrary [dum] \starttext
\dorecurse{10}{ \startTEXpage \externalfigure [placeholder] \stopTEXpage}
You can also use my `\externalkitten` macro: http://randomdeterminism.wordpress.com/2011/05/07/images-for-documentation-e... \def\externalkitten[#1]% {\getparameters[kitten][width=10pt, height=10pt, #1] \externalfigure [\ctxlua{context("http://placekitten.com/g/\%0.0f/\%0.0f", \withoutpt{\the\dimexpr\kittenwidth}, \withoutpt{\the\dimexpr\kittenheight})}] [#1, method=jpg]} \starttext \placefigure[left,none]{} {\externalkitten[width=0.5\textwidth, height=0.3\textheight]} \input knuth \stoptext Aditya