Dear list members I would like to disable to third column in the question when mode BL is not enabled. When mode BL is enabled (using the toggle), the third column should of course appear again. How can I achieve this? Regards, Jan Willem MWE: \starttext %Toggles %\enablemode[BL] \defineblock[question] \defineblock[answer] \hideblocks[question] \hideblocks[answer] \defineenumeration [question] [text=Question, after={\blank[2*big]}, inbetween={\blank[nowhite]}, way=bychapter, prefixsegments=chapter, prefix=yes] \defineenumeration [answer] [counter=answer, text=, width=, before={\blank[nowhite]}, after={\blank[nowhite]}, indenting=no, titledistance=1cm, location=inmargin, alternative=left, headstyle=, way=bychapter, prefixsegments=chapter, prefix=yes] \beginquestion \startquestion Calculate the hydrostatic pressure of the following fluid. \starttabulate[|lw(6cm)|lw(3cm)|\doifmode{BL}{p|}] \NC Well depth \NC 10100 ft \doifmode{BL}{\NC 3100 m} \NC \NR \NC Fluid density \NC 9.0 ppg \doifmode{BL}{\NC 1.08 kg/l} \NC \NR \stoptabulate \stopquestion \endquestion \beginanswer \startanswer 4726 psi\doifmode{BL}{ / 328 bar} \stopanswer \endanswer \startsection[title=Questions] \useblocks[question] \startsubsubsection[title=Answers] \useblocks[answer] \stopsubsubsection \stopsection \stoptext