On 14 Feb 2006, at 12:46, Adam Lindsay wrote:

[I feel like a lot of the stuff I've done in this space has been 

released into a vacuum, and that few people are actually making stuff 

with OpenType and/or XeConTeXt.]

Dear Adam,

You helped me get XeConTeXt up and running and I have been quietly using it and have great pleasure in doing so. Thank you very much again. I suppose it is, as is the case with a lot of areas, that  you don't hear from people until they have a problem. Which brings me to this. I have lost my settings for XeConTeXt during upgrades of TeX/ConTeXt and have recovered by using the information on the ConTeXtwiki but recently this does not seem to work anymore (or perhaps I have done something stupid). I noticed new advice in a recent e-mail:
On Feb 12, 2006, at 8:49 PM, Steffen Wolfrum wrote:

This is XeTeX, Version 3.141592-2.2-0.99b (Web2C 7.5.3)
(WARNING: translate-file "natural.tcx" ignored)
---! /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.local/web2c/cont-en.fmt was
written by pdfetex


That's the problem. If you want both xetex and pdftex, you need to
have two different format-files, both called cont-en.fmt. They need
to be in two different subdirectories:
/usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.local/web2c/pdfetex [for pdfetex]
/usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.local/web2c/xetex   [for xetex]

Remove the cont-*.fmt files in the .../web2c directory and regenerate
the formats with texexec.

but trying this has not worked for me either. In an e-mail Jonathan Kew suggested he might look into creating an installation script for XeTeX and I encouraged him to do so. In the meantime do you know if the procedure for getting XeConTeX up and running has changed and if so what should I do. I have an iMac G5 10.4.4 and the latest TeX using Gerben's installer.

There is at least this voice in the vacuum ready to bother you.
