I sometimes define lua functions for showing out worked out calculations. The following minimal example shows that context([[\startformula ... \stopformula]]) fails in LMTX with an error message: tex error > tex error on line 3 in file ./test.tex: Undefined control sequence \undefined MWE: \startluacode thirddata = thirddata or {} local comment = [[ This is a famous formula \startformula a^2 + b^2 = c^2 \stopformula ]] function thirddata.explanation() context(comment) end \stopluacode \starttext \ctxlua{thirddata.explanation()} \stoptext The actual use case is more complicated (where I use templates, so I don't want to convert everything to context.startformula() etc.). The example compiles with MkIV but not LMTX. Any idea what is going on? Thanks, Aditya