Hans Hagen wrote:
At 16:10 10/12/2003, you wrote:
____________________________________________________ On Wed, 10 Dec 2003 13:55:34 +0100 Maurice Diamantini
wrote: ____________________________________________________ : 3 - some package or binding to Lilypond (for writing music/midi and : xml)
That would be very-very nice. By the way, are there any plans to implement this feature (Lilypond binding) or, may be, some other ways to typeset music in ConTeXt?
if i'd time i'd write a metapost based engine ....
with regards to lilypond, it depends on how latex dependent things are
Lilypond makes use of LaTeX only. Secondly be aware, that the software runs under Linux and under Cygwin. I would love to see a METAPOST based engine, but I understand, that this is a project for the time Hans has nothing to add anymore to ConTeXt. ;-) Willi