Hi there, not being a ConTeXt user myself, I have been advised on the tex-d-l list of the German TUG that a certain problem could possibly be solved more easily in ConTeXt than in LaTeX. So, here is what I'm trying to achieve: The numerous but short footnotes of a document shall be placed in the right margin rather than below the main text area. Additionally, though, the footnotes should not be placed near the call up (similar to what \marginpar does), but type set en bloc at the bottom of the page. In other words, the main text area should have fixed margins all round across all pages and the footnotes should be printed in a small rectangular block beside the main text area such that the height of this block varies according to the number of footnotes on the page, but the block is always flushed to the bottom of the page. You'll find an ascii art illustration below. Is such a layout feasible in ConTeXt without too much hassle at all? Regards, Elias ================================ = | = = | = = | = = M A I N | = = | = = T E X T | = = | = = A R E A | = = | = = | = = | = = | = = | = = | = = | = = | = = | = = | = = | = = | = = | = = | = = | = = | = = | = = | = = | = = | = = | = = |-----= = |foot-= = |notes= ================================