Martin Althoff schrieb am 27.09.2019 um 06:59:
Hi, I am trying to pass variables/data between context and lua. Lua would be used for calculations on data coming from context.
Unfortunately I can't figure out what to do. The code below doesn't work, but is there to illustrate my idea.
Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks, Martin
\define\question{44} \defineexpandable\question{44} \starttext
\startluacode local points = \question * 92 -- do some calculations with points and return to to context answer=42 \stopluacode
% lots of Text in between The answer is \answer
\stoptext A solution which uses only existing commands in the document.
\startsetups [martin] \startlua local points = tonumber(\getvariable{martin}{question}) or 0 ; points = points * 92 ; local answer = 42 ; context.setvariable("martin","points",points) ; context.setvariable("martin","answer",answer) ; \stoplua \stopsetups \setvariable{martin}{set}{\directsetup{martin}} \starttext \setvariables [martin] [question=44] Points: \getvariable{martin}{points} The answer is \getvariable{martin}{answer}. \stoptext Wolfgang