Am 07.04.10 10:59, schrieb Hongwen Qiu:
I found that the problem can only be produced when using the simplefonts module, while loading the adobesongstd font and some other Chinese fonts. So, the problem maybe something's wrong with the simplefonts module. The following is a simple example.
\starttyping -- \stoptyping
And if I use \setmainfont[some Western Fonts] instead of the \setcjkmainfont line, the problem still exists. Add '\setmonofont[Latin Modern Mono][features=none]' to your file.
You can see the effect also without simplefonts: \starttypescript [serif] [mainfont] \setups[font:fallback:serif] \definefontsynonym [Serif] [name:lmroman10regular] [features=default] \stoptypescript \starttypescript [mono] [monofont] \setups[font:fallback:mono] \definefontsynonym [Mono] [name:lmmono10regular] [features=default] % \definefontsynonym [Mono] [name:lmmono10regular] [features=none] \stoptypescript \definetypeface[simplefonts][rm][serif][mainfont][default] \definetypeface[simplefonts][tt][mono] [monofont][default] \setupbodyfont[simplefonts] \starttext \starttyping -- --- \stoptyping \type{--} \stoptext Comment the first synonym in the mono typescript and uncomment the second to get correct dashes in verbatim mode. Wolfgang