I did a complete reinstall for texlive2008 (just out of the box installation) including fresh generation of context and luatex. Of course doing luatools --generate etc. Now luatex doesn't work anymmore. Why? TeXShop log window shows: TeXExec | processing document 'contexttest.tex' TeXExec | no ctx file found TeXExec | tex processing method: context TeXExec | TeX run 1 TeXExec | writing option file contexttest.top TeXExec | using randomseed 84 TeXExec | tex engine: luatex TeXExec | tex format: cont-en LuaTools | using format name: /var/folders/+T/+ThqZosGGzOznrLsOw-fz+++ +TM/-Tmp-/luatex-cache/context/formats/cont-en.fmt LuaTools | no luc/lua with name: /var/folders/+T/+ThqZosGGzOznrLsOw-fz+ +++TM/-Tmp-/luatex-cache/context/formats/cont-en LuaTools | LuaTools | runtime: 0.188 seconds TeXUtil | unable to locate contexttest.tui TeXUtil | shortcuts : 0 TeXUtil | expansions: 0 TeXUtil | reductions: 0 TeXUtil | divisions : 0 TeXUtil | loaded files: 0 TeXUtil | temporary files: 0 TeXUtil | commands: 0 TeXUtil | programs: 0 TeXUtil | tuo file saved TeXExec | runtime: 3.667568 Hans van der Meer