On Fri, 18 May 2012, Hans Hagen wrote:
On 18-5-2012 15:00, Peter Schorsch wrote:
I realized yesterday that my counter for the module does not reset itself as before. What I need is a counter that resets after each heading (chapter, section, subsection, subsubsection and so on).
This is what I know about counter reseting at the moment:
\definecounter[ParagraphNumber][prefix=no,way=bysection] - way=bychapter: reseting counter at every chapter (default) - way=bysection: reseting counter at every section (not at chapters) - way={bychapter,bysection,bysubsection,bysubsubsection}: does not work
\setuphead[chapter,section,subsection,subsubsection][after={\resetcounter[ParagraphNumber]}] does work but it messes with the distance between heading and normal text.
What is the correct/best way to make the counter reseting every heading without messing around?
we probably need something byheader or maybe indeed a comma separated list
Or perhaps a \c!setups key for \setuphead commands. Another option is to add spacebefore and spaceafter keys to set distance, rather than the before and after keys. A few commands use spacebefore and spaceafter, and it will be nice if all commands used them. Aditya