Am 12.04.2009 um 15:25 schrieb Peter Rolf:
Can one of you make a example where the error is reproducable.
not minimal (no time), but it should be sufficient to isolate the cause of error. also: if its to easy to solve, Hans can not listen to music (debug- modus) enough. ;)
%\def\NoteNumber#1{\hbox to 15pt{\hfill\black \dostartoverprint#1\dostopoverprint}} \def\NoteNumber#1{\hbox to 15pt{\hfill\black #1}} \setupfootnotes [bodyfont=6pt, textcolor=black, before=,after=, rule=off, conversion={set 1}, % distance=-2em, margindistance=-2em, numbercommand=\NoteNumber]
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you narrowed it down but stopped just before goal :) \starttext \vbox{text in a vbox\footnote{footnote in a vbox}} % \hbox works! \stoptext Wolfgang