Hi folks, I'm working on a Roboto typescript and starting from the work done by Zen Lima back in last July, I would like to push things further. Since I work on some Android projects and use Google Keep mostly on a daily basis, I was surprised to not find italics for the RobotoSlab (either on the web or by extracting the assets of the Keep package). Why am I surprised: Keep do have serif title placeholders for the new note EditText and I see it everyday! $ mtxrun --script font --list --all --pattern=robotoslab robotoslab robotoslabbold RobotoSlab-Bold.ttf robotoslabbold robotoslabbold RobotoSlab-Bold.ttf robotoslablight robotoslablight RobotoSlab-Light.ttf robotoslabregular robotoslabregular RobotoSlab-Regular.ttf robotoslabthin robotoslabthin RobotoSlab-Thin.ttf OK, RobotoSlab fonts are accessible and I have a working typescript to use RobotoSlab with ConTeXt MkIV (I'll made the git repo public soon). At first, my thoughts are: nevermind the Slab italics but now, I'm curious since Inkscape, LibreOffice, … propose the italic and bolditalic features of the RobotoSlab (check out the attached font-manager screenshot). I've worked with different kind of fonts'family (more or less complete) and used and modified many typescripts in my ConTeXter's life but there I should be missing something obvious. Where are the RobotoSlab Italics??? My experience is that italic and bolditalic should correspond to files… First guess: no files so the RobotoSlab Italic and BoldItalic features are just faked ones composed by my GNU/Linux Debian system. No, I must be wrong here too… Any thoughts on "The Quest of the Hidden Italics of the RobotoSlab fonts!"? Best Regards, Renaud