Otared Kavian schrieb:
Using TeXShop on a Mac (with Mac OS X 10.2) I noticed that some of my documents typeset with mkiv do not respond correctly regarding SyncTeX: when I do « Command-Click » on a specific part of the resulting PDF there is no reaction at all, that is I do not get to the corresponding part of the source TeX file. Nevertheless when I click in the source TeX file, SyncTeX shows the corresponding highlighted part of the PDF file.
So my question is the following: is there some change in mkiv, or in the way TeXShop has to be tuned?
I noticed something similar since about one or two years. Using SumatraPDF on Windows (together with Sublime or Notepad++) a sync from the editor to SumatraPDF results in the right higlighted section. However a sync the other way 'round is slightly off. It's more off the farther down I'm in the document. Best regards, Andreas