On 01/01/2025 22:25, Hans Hagen wrote:
define more colors
anyway, you can try to comment line 1543 in mlib-pps.lmt and then, after making a new format file, see if
\startMPpage definecolor [ name = "MyColor", r = .5, g = .25, b = .25 ] ; fill fullsquare xyscaled (40mm, 15mm) withcolor "MyColor" ; fill fullsquare xyscaled (40mm, 15mm) shifted (42mm, 0mm) withcolor .5 * namedcolor("MyColor") ; fill fullsquare xyscaled (40mm, 15mm) shifted (84mm, 0mm) withcolor .75 * namedcolor("MyColor") ; \stopMPpage
thanks! I also came across the definition as described on page 32 of https://www.pragma-ade.nl/general/manuals/colors-mkiv.pdf \startMPcode color Salmon ; Salmon := ( 1.0, 0.568, 0.643 ) ; fill fullsquare xyscaled (40mm, 15mm) withcolor Salmon ; fill fullsquare xyscaled (40mm, 15mm) shifted (42mm,0) withcolor 0.5Salmon ; fill fullsquare xyscaled (40mm, 15mm) shifted (84mm,0) withcolor 1.5Salmon ; \stopMPcode works too