Willi Egger wrote:
Hi Renaud,
ASFAIK the interface is defined in a file called mult-com.tex. Adding a new interface would mean to place translations of the defined items into this file.
There are two big jobs to be done, one of which is optional: 1) add translations to mult-com.tex and mult-con.tex, like so: \startcommands dutch english german czech italian romanian french language: taal language sprache jazyk lingua limba langue ... \stopcommands Note: your translations have to be 7-bit clean. This is required because otherwise mayhem results when e.g. the french interface is used to typeset documents in italian or czech. Each time, you add 'french' to the language list at the top, then add a new translation for each keyword. You *cannot* skip a translation within a command list (the number of translated items has to match up), but you *can* skip an entire command block (\startcommands ... \stopcommands). 2) (optionally) translate the message libraries to french. Search for \startmessages in the source files. There are a lot of them, but you do not have to translate all (they will default to english). About the only other thing is to create a cont-fr.tex that begins with \def\defaultinterface{french}, and switches to french. Taco