Hello, I do not know whether I have correctly understood the question, but what you write nothing to do with MP. Values paperwidth, paperheight etc ... ConTeXt determining the value of paper size (as well as the pagewidth, paperheight, etc stored values of height and všířce pages) and can be transmitted to MP. Look for things related to page layout. Jarda Dne 23.9.2010 9:40, Procházka Lukáš napsal(a):
I'd like to ask -
- where could I find a list of variables which (Con)TeX(t) defines to MetaPost scope?
When I browsed the Hans' presentations, I encountered "PaperWidth", "PaperHeight", "Page" etc. (see e.g. "s-pre-22.tex"). I didn't find them mentioned/explained in any manual (especially: in "mpman.pdf", tab. 5 on pg. 71, there is a list of MP internal variables).
So where I could find them with a short description?