Hello ConTeXist... I work on my first module (t-scancsv) which allows to process external CSV files. Now I have a problem with the processing of tables that require expansion line data. Unable to discover why my macro is not capable of handling the expanded rows. It seems to me that the macros with variable number of parameters work differently from the macros with a fixed number of parameters. I attach a minimal example of what problems occur in the processing of expanded lines. I need to write a macro \doloopaction with a variable number of parameters that would work as well as macro \doloopfromto, which has 3 fixed parameters. In addition, I attach a demonstration of the failing macro \DOLOOPFROMTO (variable number of parameters), but seems to me the same as the macro \doloopfromto. Someone help me find out what the problem is?? Thanx Jaroslav Here is my example: \def\FirstName{\recurselevel. MyFirstName} \def\Surname{\recurselevel. MySurname} \def\Id{\recurselevel. MyId} \def\lineaction{\expanded{\bTR\bTD \Id \eTD\bTD \FirstName \eTD\bTD \Surname \eTD\eTR}} \def\tab{\bTR\bTD \Id \eTD\bTD \FirstName \eTD\bTD \Surname \eTD\eTR} \def\xtab{\expanded{\bTR\bTD \Id \eTD\bTD \FirstName \eTD\bTD \Surname \eTD\eTR}} \def\bT{\bTABLE\bTR\bTD ID\eTD\bTD FirstName\eTD\bTD Surname\eTD\eTR} \def\eT{\eTABLE} \def\doloopfromto#1#2#3{% \dostepwiserecurse{#1}{#2}{1}{#3} }% \def\doloopaction{\dotriplegroupempty\doloopAction} \def\doloopAction#1#2#3{% \doifelsenothing{#1} {\doloopfromto{1}{10}{\lineaction}%0 par., } {\doifelsenothing{#2} {\doloopfromto{1}{10}{#1}% 1 par } {\doifelsenothing{#3} {\doloopfromto{1}{#2}{#1}%2 par } {\doloopfromto{#2}{#3}{#1}%3 par }}} } \def\DOLOOPFROMTO{\dotriplegroupempty\DOLOOPFROMTOAction} \def\DOLOOPFROMTOAction#1#2#3{% \doifelsenothing{#1} {%\doloopfromto{1}{10}{\lineaction}%0 par., \dostepwiserecurse{1}{10}{1}{\lineaction} } {\doifelsenothing{#2} {%\doloopfromto{1}{10}{#1}% 1 par \dostepwiserecurse{1}{10}{1}{#1} } {\doifelsenothing{#3} {%\doloopfromto{1}{#2}{#1}%2 par \dostepwiserecurse{1}{#2}{1}{#1} } {%\doloopfromto{#2}{#3}{#1}%3 par \dostepwiserecurse{#2}{#3}{1}{#1} }}} } \starttext 1. OK, WITHOUT EXPANSION is working as expected \bT \doloopfromto{1}{3}{\tab} \eT 2. OK, with expansion is working as expected \bT \doloopfromto{1}{5}{\xtab} \eT 3. OK, with expansion is working as expected \bT \doloopfromto{1}{5}{\lineaction} \eT 4. OK, with expansion (lineaction macro) is working as expected \bT \doloopaction \eT 5. OK, WITHOUT EXPANSION is working as expected \bT \doloopaction{\tab} \eT 6. OK, WITHOUT EXPANSION is working as expected \bT \doloopaction{\tab}{3} \eT 8. OK, WITHOUT EXPANSION is working as expected \bT \doloopaction{\tab}{3}{5} \eT 9. ERROR, WITH EXPANSION is not working (unlike examples 2, 3, 4) \bT %\doloopaction{\xtab} \eT 10. ERROR, WITH EXPANSION is not working (unlike examples 2, 3, 4) \bT %\doloopaction{\xtab}{3} \eT 11. ERROR, WITH EXPANSION is not working (unlike examples 2, 3, 4) \bT %\doloopaction{\xtab}{3}{5} \eT 12. OK, WITH EXPANSION (default lineaction) is working as expected \bT \DOLOOPFROMTO \eT 13. OK, WITHOUT expansion, but is working as expected \bT \DOLOOPFROMTO{\tab} \eT 14. ERROR, WITH EXPANSION is not working (unlike examples 2, 3, 4) \bT %\DOLOOPFROMTO{\xtab} \eT 15. ERROR, WITH EXPANSION is not working (unlike examples 2, 3, 4) \bT %\DOLOOPFROMTO{\lineaction}{4} \eT 16. ERROR, WITH EXPANSION is not working (unlike examples 2, 3, 4) \bT %\DOLOOPFROMTO{\lineaction}{4}{6} \eT \stoptext