Am 05.10.2010 um 16:18 schrieb Talal Al-Azem:
Thanks Wolfgang. That makes that matter clearer. But how do I get those Arabic footnotes to be right aligned as well?
\definenote[afootnote][numberconversion=set 2,paragraph=yes,rule=right,align={flushright,righttoleft}]
May I also ask: what is the purpose, at least in my example that I'm learning from, of: \definefontfeature[arabic][default][mode=node,script=arabic] ?
I ask, because when I switched it from [default][default] to [arabic][default] as you suggested, the Arabic glyphs no longer connected, and the text actually spilled over into the footnote space. When I commented it out, the glyphs connected again.
With my setting you create a new font feature ”arabic” which inherits the setting from the ”default” features with the extra settings “mode=node” and ”script=arabic” while your settings extends the ”default” features with these values. I did this because you use the ”arabic” font feature in the \definemainfontfallback setup but i forgot that context already has a “arabic” feature which enables a lot of font options which you need.
Finally, so that I can start learning on my own without bothering you and everyone else on the list, where would I have systematically found a discussion of RtL feaures such as rule=right?
Maybe in the list archive but often such things are discussed offline, i found it myself in the source.
Or are there any preexisting example files of complicated Arabic that I could study and learn from?
I guess the wiki page you already know is currently the only source. Wolfgang