Dear all, Last september, I asked about how to change the label text of figures and of tables in my own language. At that time, Wolfgang suggested me to make lang-kor.tex like lang- chi.tex. Yesterday, I made lang-kor.tex and test it. But it is not working. I got the following error message for a simple test file. ......... ......... (/usr/local/gwTeX/texmf.pkgs/tex/context/base/sort-lan.mkii)) (./test- label.tuo ) (./test-label.tuo) systems : begin file test-label at line 3 ! Undefined control sequence. <argument> \koreanencoding \doenableencoding ...\edef \characterencoding {@#1 @}\fi \edef \nocharacteren... <to be read again> \koencodedintro \dogetupsometextprefix ...csname #2#1#3\endcsname \else \ifcsname #2#3\endcs... \labeltexts #1#2->\leftlabeltext {#1} #2\rightlabeltext {#1} \sectionblocklabel ...sectionblock \c!label }}{#2} \fi ... l.9 \section{figures} ? %%%%%%%%%%%% Would you please check what is wrong in here? I test it using XeTeX+ ConTeXt in gwTeX(mac OSX 10.5). Thank you. Best regards, Dalyoung