Dear Luigi, Thanks for you help. Below are some comments on what you wrote: On 19 oct. 08, at 14:44, luigi scarso wrote:
On Sun, Oct 19, 2008 at 2:23 PM, Otared Kavian
wrote: Hi Luigi, Thanks for having taken the time to test the file I gave in my message. Indeed my problem comes from luatex not finding the fonts Latin Modern, which mkii finds without any difficulty… So minimals are ok.
Not really, since my mkii is the one I have in TexLive 2008, updated to ConTeXt ver: 2008.10.17 10:41 MKII fmt: 2008.10.17 int: english/english and it works fine. Up to now I didn't have installed the minimals through the commands given on the Garden. However, since you told me that it works fine, I just tried to install the minimals too, but while generating the formats I get: ! LuaTeX error ...mini/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/luat-tex.lua: 322: attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'total' (a nil value). <*> ...texmf-context/tex/context/base/cont-nl.tex \dump Despite this, knowing that I have installed the minimals in a directory /Applications/context-mini and run the file setuptex contained in /Applications/context-mini/tex if I say /Applications/context-mini/tex/texmf-osx-intel/bin/texexec basic- test.tex a correct PDF is created, while if I say /Applications/context-mini/tex/texmf-osx-intel/bin/texexec --lua basic-test.tex again I have a blank PDF and the log file says that the fonts Latin Modern are not found.
Since I haven't changed anything in my TeX tree, why is so? Shouldn't mkiv be able to find what mkii can find? :-) mkii and miv have different ways to seach files.
I understand that, but why isn't mkiv able to find the default fonts? Or are they located at different places?
If you have any hint how to tell mkiv to find the default fonts LM, could you please tell us about that? context --generate should be ok. I always run . setuptex every first time I start a sessione with mkiv , so I have the correct env variable But I'm installing a tl2008, so I will be more precise about this.
So once you have an insight please let me know. Many thanks: OK