20 Nov
20 Nov
9:59 p.m.
Am 20.11.2014 um 22:13 schrieb Alan Bowen
: Using the latest beta, the workaround from the wiki,
\setupsectionblock[frontpart][page=no] \setupsectionblock[bodypart][page=no] \setupsectionblock[appendix][page=no] \setupsectionblock[backpart][page=no]
\starttext \startbodymatter% or backmatter etc. After this page, there is another empty one.
\stoptext fails to prevent a blank page at the end. Is there a new way to do this now?
I used to rely on \installpagebreakhandler{last}{}, but this does not seem to work either: it now permits a final page with a page number.
You can disable the page with \setuppagenumbering[page=]. Wolfgang