On Tue, 7 Nov 2006, Pablo RodrÃguez wrote:
Hans Hagen wrote:
should be something similar DocbookInConTeXt, but I don't know whether it uses the eXaMplE framework (I don't even know whether .
the example framework is some ongoing experiment with web related tex/xml things; you don't need that, just stick to the built in xml handler (as described in example.pdf, but more extensive examples can be found in the x-*.tex files in the distribution
Could anyone comment on this topic? I mean, whether the described task could be achieved with ConTeXt, which issues may arise, whether this is the best approach to the issue, whether I miss something, and so on.
most of the projects we run at pragma involve xml -> pdf processing; using a dedicated dtd works most convenient
using tei is ok, as long as you stick to structural elements and keep away from layour-related coding
Thanks for your answer, Hans. Sorry for not answering before (these days I find myself installing a new computer and moving data into it).
It seems that the task is more difficult than I thought (although x-contm.tex seems a very interesting example to begin with).
You can also check the thread http://archive.contextgarden.net/thread/20050225.103441.cda2d788.en.html#200... for some discussion on getting started with XML and context.
But my problem right now is ConTeXt itself. My PhD thesis (that was typeset with LaTeX [for the examination board], Lambda [for the electronic publication] and XeLaTeX [just for fun ;-)]) contains quotes and some fragments in ancient Greek. And I would like to be able to do similar things (in a fancier way, of course ;-)) with ConTeXt.
For those ones who were newbies not so long ago or that come from a humanities background, which are the best documents to start learning ConTeXt?
There is also Berend de Boer's Latex in proper context that can help in the transition. http://articles.contextgarden.net/article/32 Aditya