I have not been able to get Greek hyphenation to work. To make sure that my set up was right (?), I ran texfmstart ctxtools --pat and put the pattern files in /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.local/tex/ context/patterns The log file shows CtxTools | processing language agr CtxTools | CtxTools | using file /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.local/tex/context/ base/enco-acc.tex CtxTools | preloading accent conversions CtxTools | preloading agr character mappings CtxTools | accepting vector agr CtxTools | file grahyph4.tex is not present CtxTools | file oldgrhyph.tex is not present CtxTools | CtxTools | 0 changes in patterns and exceptions CtxTools | description found for language agr CtxTools | patterns saved in file lang-agr.pat I then ran sudo texmfstart texexec --make --all and cont-en.log shows (/Users/acbowen/Library/texmf/tex/context/enco-agr.tex) encoding : coding agr is loaded then loading : Context Language Macros / Generic Patterns language : patterns for agr not loaded then ) (/usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.local/tex/context/base/lang-grk.tex loading : Greek Language language : patterns for gr not loaded language : patterns for agr not loaded ) then language : patterns agr for agr loaded (n=25,e=agr,m=agr) (/usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.local/tex/context/patterns/lang-agr.pat) language : hyphenations agr for agr loaded (n=25,e=agr,m=agr) (/usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.local/tex/context/patterns/lang-agr.hyp) The test file is: \usemodule[ancientgreek] [font=GreekGentiumAlt,altfont=GreekOxoniensis,altscale=1.03] \setupfontsynonym[GreekGentium] \setupfontsynonym[GreekGentiumAlt] \setupfontsynonym[GreekOxoniensis] \def\grk{\localgreek} \def\altgrk{\localaltgreek} \starttext \hyphenatedword{transformational} \startgreek \hyphenatedword{filosofo'umena} filosofo'umena filosofo'umena filosofo'umena filosofo'umena filosofo'umena filosofo'umena filosofo'umena filosofo'umena filosofo'umena filosofo'umena filosofo'umena filosofo'umena filosofo'umena filosofo'umena filosofo'umena filosofo'umena filosofo'umena \stopgreek \stoptext and the log file has ConTeXt ver: 2006.09.13 23:47 MK II fmt: 2006.9.13 int: english/ english and language : patterns nl->texnansi:texnansi->1->2:3 nl->ec:ec-
2->2:3 fr-> texnansi:texnansi->3->2:3 fr->ec:ec->4->2:3 de->texnansi:texnansi->5- 2:3 de->e c:ec->6->2:3 it->texnansi:texnansi->7->2:3 it->ec:ec->8->2:3 pt- texnansi:texna nsi->9->2:3 pt->ec:ec->10->2:3 hr->ec:ec->11->2:3 pl->pl0:pl0->12- 2:3 pl->ec:e c->13->2:3 pl->qx:qx->14->2:3 cz->il2:il2->15->2:3 cz->ec:ec->16- 2:3 sk->il2:i l2->17->2:3 sk->ec:ec->18->2:3 sl->ec:ec->19->2:3 ru->t2a:t2a->21- 2:3 en->ec:e c->22->2:3 uk->ec:ec->23->2:3 us->ec:ec->24->2:3 agr->agr:agr->25- 2:3 da->ec:e c->26->2:3 sv->ec:ec->27->2:3 af->ec:ec->28->2:3 no->ec:ec->29->2:3 deo->ec:ec-
30->2:3 es->ec:ec->31->2:3 ca->ec:ec->32->2:3 la->ec:ec->33->2:3 ro- ec:ec->34 ->2:3 tr->ec:ec->35->2:3 fi->ec:ec->37->2:3 hu->ec:ec->38->2:3 loaded
Yet, the output lacks Greek hyphenation—the English hyphenation is fine—and there are several overfull \hbox warnings. What have I overlooked? Alan