you can play with
mtxrun --script synctex
and the synctex file to see if it makes sense I wrote two almost identical files in plain tex and context. When I generated the synctex file and ran `mtxrun --script synctex --list x.synctex` I got this:
one problem with synctex is that the editors depend on a library and
``` $ mtxrun --script synctex --list context.synctex mtx-synctex | begin page: 1 mtx-synctex | end page: 1 $ mtxrun --script synctex --list tex.synctex mtx-synctex | begin page: 1 mtx-synctex | [ 72 82 92 82] : 1 : /home/nawordar/tests/tex/hello/./tex.tex mtx-synctex | end page: 1 ``` It looks like context generates an incomplete synctext file. there has been changes
texshop now uses the more independent method for context i.e. just
calling "mtxrun --script synctex ..." which not only removes the dependency of a library (the dependency on mtxrun is ok as one has context anyway) but also permits room for improvement (apart from not being tricked by latex specific heuristics in the library) But that would need a change in Zathura wouldn't it?