On 1/5/22 6:39 PM, hanneder--- via ntg-context wrote:
Dear Jean-Pierre,
I started preparing some examples, but first a quick question: Where can I find out the exact behaviour of a command option like aNote.
If you define a \cNote with \definelinenote[cNote][n=3] as in your example, then the input line
Cum defensionum \CNote{laboribus}{première note} senatoriisque
prints laboribus in the text and as the lemma! I cannot see where this is defined (and explained).
Hi Jürgen, it is a simple command definition: \def\CNote#1#2{#1\cNote{#1] #2}} Just in case it might not be clear, "\CNote{laboribus}{première note}" would be the same as typing "laboribus\cNote{laboribus] première note}". BTW, for humans "a" = "A". For a computer, "a" ≠ "A". So "\CNote" is a different command from "\cNote". For a basic sample is fine, but for real documents creating commands that are too similar for humans is the best way to make mistakes. My apologies if the explanations are obvious to you. I hope this might help, Pablo