Hi Jacko, On the ConTeXT mailing list, Idris posted some messages because he was trying to use oldstyle numerals in the latest Latin Modern release, and was experiencing two pretty big problems: * really bad kerning around the oldstyle numerals * pdftex generated errors for the typewriter fonts, complaining "glyph `one.oldstyle' undefined" etc. The implementation of 'automatic' oldstyle numbers in ConTeXt uses a set of encoding files that used to ship with LM (lm-xxxxxx-os.enc). By way of a map file fragment, this allows to switch the fonts 'en masse' from lining to oldstyle (and back) without the need for special metric files, which is a pretty nice feature. Those encoding files now apparently obsolete: they still refer to glyphs named e.g. `one.oldstyle', whereas in the current release of the LM fonts it really should be `one.taboldstyle'. While writing a bug report, I noticed that these encoding files are no longer in the font distribution (They are still included on texlive2007, but I don't know if anybody except ConTeXt attempts to use them). Is this trick to get oldstyle now officially unsupported? That would be a shame, because there are no oldstyle-using TFM files in the LM distribution either ... Best wishes, Taco