On 5/27/2023 6:00 AM, Berend de Boer via ntg-context wrote:
Dear all,
I need something like \doifelseoddpage, but this does not work as expected. See below example. You will notice that on page two you still get the ODD text, with page number 1.
What's going on? Is there a proper way to detect what page I'm on?
\dorecurse{70}{\doifelseoddpage{ODD \currentpage\par}{EVEN \currentpage\par}}
My system:
context --version mtx-context | ConTeXt Process Management 1.04 mtx-context | mtx-context | main context file: /home/berend/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/context.mkiv mtx-context | current version: 2023.05.08 17:39 mtx-context | main context file: /home/berend/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkxl/context.mkxl mtx-context | current version: 2023.05.08 17:39 You never know when tex will break a page unless you are explicit so you typeset the status too soon.
\setuppagenumbering[alternative=doublesided] % \setuppagenumbering[alternative={singlesided,doublesided}] \starttext \dorecurse{200}{ \dontleavehmode\signalrightpage \doifelserightpage{RIGHT}{LEFT} \doifelseoddpage {ODD }{EVEN} \par } \stoptext The rightpage check combined with putting a signal at the spot where you test will work ok. The odd/even test works as expected when you're in the page builder (wrapping up the page). Hans ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands tel: 038 477 53 69 | www.pragma-ade.nl | www.pragma-pod.nl -----------------------------------------------------------------