This is a feature request or wish: I would be glad to have a module (e.g. "fakefields") as a drop-in replacement that overwrites the field commands (\setupfield, \definefield, \definesubfield, \field) with a version that doesn’t create form fields but just \inframeds that look the same. \setupfield[setup name][options][keyval options] would map to \defineframed[setup name][keyval options] \definefield[name][type][setup name][content values][default content] would map to \defineframed[nameField][keyval options] and inherit (how?) from "class name". Don’t know how \definesubfield would work and how to setup the relationship to a special radiobutton type. \field[name] would finally call \nameField{} \setupfields doesn’t work anyway. e.g. \setupfield[MMshortString][reset,horizontal][width=45mm,option=printable,frame=off,bottomframe=on,height=2em,offset=0.5mm,frameoffset=1mm] \definefield[Name][line][MMshortString][] \field[Name] would result in \inframed[width=45mm,frame=off,bottomframe=on,height=2em,offset=0.5mm,frameoffset=1mm]{} while \setupfield[MMradio][frame=on, corner=round, height=0.75em, width=0.75em, align=bottom, offset=-0.5mm, frameoffset=0mm] \definefield[GRB][radio][MMradio][RByes,RBno][RByes] \definesubfield[RByes][][] \definesubfield[RBno][][] \field[RByes] I agree. \field[RBno] I don’t agree. would result in \inframed[frame=on, corner=round, height=0.75em, width=0.75em, align=bottom, offset=-0.5mm, frameoffset=0m]{} I agree. I’d try it myself, but I know it’s over my head. I guess I loverlooked something important. But probably it’s quite easy to do in Lua? Greetlings, Hraban --- https://www.fiee.net http://wiki.contextgarden.net https://www.dreiviertelhaus.de GPG Key ID 1C9B22FD