Am 01.10.2008 um 11:22 schrieb Hans Hagen:
Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
Am 01.10.2008 um 00:08 schrieb Hans Hagen:
Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
Hi Hans, Japanese text is no longer broken across lines, it works only if I set the right feature with \setfontfeature but settings given with feature=... in \definefontsynonym are ignored.
ok, fixed; thanks for testing; new beta in 15 minutes No really but it could be a Mac only problem, I get now: load otf | loading: /Users/wolf/Library/Fonts/KozMinProVI-Regular.otf load otf | warning: Bad call to gww_iconv_open, neither arg is UCS4 (Sjis->UTF-8) load otf | warning: Bad call to gww_iconv_open, neither arg is UCS4 (Sjis->UTF-8) load otf | warning: Bad call to gww_iconv_open, neither arg is UCS4 (Sjis->UTF-8) load otf | warning: Bad call to gww_iconv_open, neither arg is UCS4 (Sjis->UTF-8) load otf | warning: Bad call to gww_iconv_open, neither arg is UCS4 (Sjis->UTF-8) load otf | warning: Bad call to gww_iconv_open, neither arg is UCS4 (Sjis->UTF-8) load otf | warning: Bad format for coverage table 768 load otf | warning: Bad format for coverage table 768 load otf | warning: Internal Error: Subtable status not filled in for 1th subtable of as_l_1 MtxRun | fatal error, message: luatex: execution interrupted
bug in font itself
This was a luatex bug, it is fixed in revision 1525. Wolfgang