Hi Thomas, Thomas A.Schmitz wrote:
I've been playing with Taco's bibmodule, and I'm absolutely thrilled how easy it is to customize things. Once you've groked how things work, you can simply copy code from bibl-apa.tex and modify, it's just wonderful (OT: what does "apa" stand for in this abbreviation? For me, it's the American Philological Association, but I guess that's not meant here.)
American Psychological Association, http://www.apastyle.org
1. Is there a general option to have the publicationlist typeset in a smaller font size? The default seems to be the general bodyfont, but I couldn't see where this could be modified.
The easiest solution is not to use \completepublications, but \placepublications, something like this (untested): \section{References} \switchtobodyfont[8pt] \placepublications
2. The space between the items does not follow the normal interlinespace, but is fixed to a somewhat smaller value, which looks a bit bizarre. Is there any way to modify this behavior.
I believe this may depend a bit on your ConTeXt & bib module version(s). The current one looks fine (I think), but I know for a fact that there have been some problems with older versions, and perhaps they have not been resolved properly. See the options to \setuplist in texshow, if you want to tweak the spacing between items, you can use all those options inside a \setuppublicationlist command. Greetings, Taco