14 Sep
14 Sep
4:05 p.m.
Hans, Thank you very much for this it is excellent-I have a further question. I have been trying to encourage page breaking on some lines rather than others. Consider the following \bTABLE[split=repeat] \bTABLEhead \bTR \bTH Head 1 \eTH \bTH Head 2 \eTH \eTR \eTABLEhead \bTABLEfoot \bTR \bTH Foot 1 \eTH \bTH Foot 2 \eTH \eTR \eTABLEfoot \bTABLEbody \dorecurse{40}{\bTR \bTD[nr=3] left \eTD\bTD right \eTD \eTR\dorecurse{2}{\bTR\bTD right \eTD \eTR}} \eTABLEbody \eTABLE Which is something like below Left right right right