David Arnold wrote:
I was able to texfont the demofont and texfont the palatino and compiled test files for each. But when I try to compile mfonts.tex, I get the stuff below. I obviously need help. I have no uplr8t anything on my system.
First: here is a quick fix. I've made my copy of mfonts.tex start with these \usetypescript[adobekb][8r,ec] \usetypescriptfile [type-buy] \usetypescriptfile [typeface] \environment ../allkind/mcommon.tex That fixed the problem with Palatino (It now says I have missing LucidaBright (texnansi-lbXXX) fonts, but I believe that is correct because it is from an example, and at least one hurdle is taken). Now for the actual problem. It looks like this problem is caused by type-dis.tex. In that file, fontsynonym mappings are provided between texfont-style metric names and berry-style filenames for a number of free Type 1 fonts, esp. the ones that come from URW and are shipped with ghostscript. In theory, the definitions in that file are fine, but in the real world there is a problem: The URW fonts are normally used only to mimic Adobe's base PostScript fonts like Times and Palatino, are therefore almost never installed under their true names like URWPalladio and Nimbus Roman. So, the font metrics for URWPalladioL-Roma in EC (psnfss) encoding are typically installed as pplr8t (the initial p indicating Adobe, to mimic Palatino-Roman) instead of uplr8t like they should be (that initial u would be indicating urw). I am not sure how Hans feels about this, but there are two ways out: 1. Certainly the *easiest* way to get a working solution is to change the fontsynonyms in typ-dis.tex so that they match the real world instead of the desired world. 2. But on the other hand, that would be promoting a rather bad practise, and deleting the fontsynonyms instead would be better. I happen to know that Hans will start distributing a cont-fnt.zip file soon that will contain texfont-style metrics, so my vote goes to the second solution. Greetings, Taco