Hello, I would like to modify the rules for wrapping URLs (aka "hyphenating" URLs, but generally without inserting hyphens) to conform more closely to the Chicago Manual of Style, 15th ed. I've read on this list that the code for doing this is defined in the \hypthenatedurl There are several files with the same name, in contextminimal\texmf-context\tex\context\base\: lang-url.mkii lang-url.mkiv lang-url.lua lang-url.tex
From what I can tell, the .tex file loads one of the other three: \loadmarkfile{lang-url}
I'm not sure which one it loads -- the lua, mkii, or mkiv. All three seem to have the rules for url hyphenation encoded in them. Is it a matter of which engine I'm using, e.g. luatex? Our project has a requirement of using Xetex, so I have to stick with that. Does that mean lang-url doesn't work at all? We also have users using ConTeXt Minimal as well as ConTeXt from the TeXLive 2008 distribution. I want to do things in a way that will work in both. I would be happy to put in some extra effort to make the result generally available to others who want to follow the Chicago style for wrapping long URLs. Thanks for any hints... Lars