On Fri, 31 May 2013 14:53:31 +0200
Mojca Miklavec
On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 2:37 PM, Alan BRASLAU wrote:
OK, the situation with the Mac is very strange. Today (an odd day), we can search for *some* text, but not all words are found. It does not have to do with special characters or formatting. Simple words. And the result in the "finder" does not always correspond to that of "preview".
What exactly do you mean with search in finder? Searching for all documents on your computer containing a specific word?
I am not a Mac user so I do not know all of the proper "App" jargon. I mean exactly opening the "finder" (file manager for normal people) and searching for all documents containing a specific word. (The word was "scarce" and "scarcity", not too frequent in his files... Ha, Ha!)
Do you also have problems searching for specific words in preview or not (you said that results are different)?
Yes, and it depends on the specific word and only in certain files (on certain days). I thus suspect a corrupted MacOS cache file...
I just remembered that sometimes (long ago) I had some kind of "problems" due to some tiny kerning/boxes inserted into PDF between characters to compensate for whatever (microtypography or just "random" corrections to fix the second/third decimal of precision in positioning). That sometimes confused readers which considered the text to be two or three words when it was in fact one. But I don't know if that is related. One can sometimes see that in google search showing html version of a pdf document with seemingly randomly distributed spaces.
No, there is no problem using non-MacOS applications such as Adobe Reader. Indeed, it does not appear to be a PDF problem but a MacOS problem. As I am not interested in debugging the Mac, and I have now convinced myself that there is no problem with the ConTeXt produced PDF, I have told my colleague to be careful and *not* to rely on his search tool. Maybe it is just his Mac that is corrupt. (Could also be an underlying file system problem.) Alan